Dont get Lured or duped or caught in this multi year scam running through all the countries even if you are in a bad shape of your life. Trust me, this will make your life worse. Will make you a complete liar (You will start lying to your friends, relatives etc... ) . I was a memebr of Gold quest in 2006 , did this for 1.5 yrs of my life, earned some money also, had a downlines list of about 750 IRs , only thn I realised tht all of us are getting cheated, then it was it to call it a complete quit.
Even I posted a article in 2007 also, if I look at it now, how foolish was I , I realize. Its a complete scam or fraud running at all stages, highly intellectual peopl like us are brain washed on each and every topic, Illegal, Scam whatever, Its all taught in their trainings ( associated with FIFA, FAO), its not associated with them and they dont hv anything to with this business, they are just endorsing authorities to gold quest coins, they dnt even bother how Gold quest sells it or what.
Second Coke, pepsi all manufacuring cost 0.5p , 1 rs, and sell for 10 rs. is it a scam ( looks like but not, because thats the market rate, and all thos advertising costs, dealer costs are involved, they say in this instead of passing it to advertisement and all we pass it to IRs... bullshit... According to a legitimate MLM or networking company, if they are selling same product in market at a lower price or same price through chain or netwrking thn its a legitimate, read any network marketing book, dnt trust me.
But here whats happening is these guys are selling same coke, pepsi for 30 rs. and saying we are passing it to IRs. what a way to fool people.
Numismatic Coins--- What is actual definition of Numismatic? (Very Rare) . how does it attain its value, because its numismatic or very rare in nature. eg:- Double eagle gold coin, only 4.
Whats happening here. They are endorsing 10000 coins each of every temple, religious places. Now coins are endorsed by only one Mint, Gold quest mint, Imagine how many coins have already ben sold, atleast 1000000, now tell me all coins endorsed by Gold quest , how will they attain Numismatic Value. People are now figuring out this. And thats why no more gold coins in India. I can tell you they will tell u some bullshit story bout it getting banned in Srilanka (courier guy getting murdered), etc.
All Fake. Sri lanka is a small country and people actually went ran out of recruits there. Will happen in India, Already happening in Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai. Almost 70% of population knows bout this organisation. Reason not poular in north, because people there have a business sense whereas in south most of them belong to service class so difficult to fool people having business sense.
I have been to trainings and all and I can tell you the way they tell you , you are bound to get duped. Its only later when u realize that u are part of it, and I know many people who are still part of it know this, but they keep on doing it, because its diffcult to get out when you have a team, it was very diffcult for me. But I can tell you its the best thng to do. because you are saving more people from getting duped. You start lying to yourself, you loose your intergrity, All this you realize once you are into this business for 1 yr.
Then your leaders tell you the actual tricks. In beginning every1 says ki dnt tell anythng wrng, dnt shw rosy picture, tell them actual thng. But after 9 mnths or so , indirectly ur leaders ask you to fool people, trap them. and its with all the teams, whether its SPIDERS, GR8 ESTEEM, MICHAEL FERREIRAs TEAM or OCEANS or several others..
I pity for people who are leaving their jobs or profession for this dirty work. When govt. gets behind it and shuts it down ( I dnt knw whn, but will deifnitely happen some day), these are the people who will be depressed so badly that they might be forced to committ suicide.
Because it was easy flow of money coming to them, and once it stops I can tell u for any person it gets difficult to comeback to normal stage or come back to his profession, then he uses all tricks to get money from it (eg:- of a drug addict, when he gets used to weed, he doesnt likes smoke, to hash, he doesnt likes weed, and when to brown sugar and cocaine, he doesnt likes any of the above), for people having big teams , I can tell you there condition is worse then these drug addicts, they might have money but I guarantee u all their friends and relatives ( who are not part of this scam or are hv just put their money because those poor people trusted their relationship) are not with these guys, they have lost that relationshop touch with close freinds and relatives. Its with time they will realize that they might be there but only alone, nobody to sahre their happiness, and all their freinds will be people who are from their chain, not from outside their chain.
I dnt have time to update or write all this. I dnt have any benefit.
But I have seen quite a bit of this scam and I can tell you only one thing, Dont join , dont waste ur money, time and efforts. Do what you are good at. Atleast you wont loose ur integrity, self respect and dignity.
the only plus point is it gives u leadership skills and tell u how to fool people or cheat thm ,
Well wisher..