I really wish to thank asviswanaath49 for his views on this company cause I too have seen a lot of individuals find their financial freedom from this company and its associate companies
of course mlm companies everywhere in the world have a bad name
no advertising companies like mlm companies cause they dont get any business from mlm companies
thanks asviswanaath49 , , , keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goldquest is here to stay with their 25year plan
there are a lot of mlm companies out there most of them are bad, , , some are good, , , but I am happy gq rests in the list of the good ones and now with their company expanding to new products, , , its got a long way to go I have seen a lot of people achieve their dreams from this company, , which people never thought they could attain, , the only people who dont achieve their financial goals are those who buy a product and sit on their backside expecting money to flow in every week...
long live questnet with all its companies