This MLM business is crap.i have come across not one but more than five peole who tried to woo me into this .those who r into this are stuck with the money they have invested and wnat to find a pawn and recover some of their money. this goofy biusiness is quite organised, I have a friend of mine who has lost his money in this and these are some of the lines that are told to the prospective clients
Rule no:1 Never go to the prospective clients place to introduce this business. Bring them to ur place .
Rule no:2 " Speak this line - I am now employed as - Banker, and I see this goldquest as a great chance to get some good money and so need more time, I am planning to quit as a banker and get into goldquest -fulltime.
Rule no:3 Speak vague, talk about the so called holidays u can go and the foreign countries u may visit with te money u get .and those vulnerable will be caught .caught and trapped mercillesly .unethically.
Be careful.