Why so much hue and cry over goldquest........ simply because you are incomeptent ....you joined this business and discovered your poor networking and failed to make any money........instead of doing SWOT ANALYSIS of company ...you need to do it for your self......If you failed it means u are not fit to be into this business ...ur are least popular among yr friends...u dont have convincing skills...............company never made any wrong commitment to anyone......
In any business 80% people failed...so is networking ..even here 80% people fail...but u need to be strong enough to find fault in urself instead of finding the easy way and putting the blame on company..with this attitude u are bound to fail in every sphere of life..........only people who have commitment and vision finally succeed
There is no easy money envolve in this business......if u get time attend any of their meeting ......it is pain to build and nurture your network......rejections kills you like anything...........if it is painful, it is equally rewarding ............HERE IS BUSINESS WHICH PAYS YOU MAXIMUM FOR UR COMMITMENT/PERSEVERANCE AND MINIMUM FOR UR NEGLINGENCE.......CHOICE IS UPTO U...
why shouting with top of your voice that company is charging 4 times extra.....is it not applicable to any other company........COKE----------- does that coloured water cost more than 30 paise and you guys dont mind shelling out 12 bucks for it, which finally causes n no. of health problems...........here atleast by putting 30 k u are getting a product atleast worth 10k and offered a business opportunity which could change ur life....
After slogging for first 6 month, today I am comfortably making 1 lac/ month in this business.....I never made any wrong commitment to my downlines......either they are happy making money or keeping quiet as they have not put in effort........but my relationship with all of them is as good as it was before GOLDQUEST.
guys......whether company is legal or illegal for that every country has its own laws and regulations.....leave few things to be done by the government..........what is ur competency to judge that company should be banned................for that matter SINGAPORE has worlds toughest laws for mlm companies theire goldquest is thriving.
No one is looting anyone.....i do agree misselling does happen....but that does happen in any industry......how many times ur credit card statement reads the way as it was told to u by sales exe..... how may times your Personal loans comes with the same terms and conditions as told to you........HOW MANY OF U HAVE BECOME FAIR BY USING FAIR AND LOVELY EVEN AFTER DONKEY YEARS THOUGH THE COMPANY MAKES A CLAIM DIFF WILL BE VISIBLE IN 15 DAYS...........
for ur kind info AMWAY is surviving from last 60 years because they too have genuine business model like QUEST NET....dont be under the imperssion that it is repeat purchase that is driving the company... u could confirm the same with any of the members.....every one minds to buy a toilet soap for 40 bucks....
Please understand every industry has it own dynamics.........which at first place can not be compared......in a free economy discretion ultimalety lies with customer what he is supposed to see , eat and do....that is hallmark of a free nation...... If rationality was only reason for every thing to exist, industry like cigratte, liqour should be first to closed down... as in real terms they are only wasting resources and spoiling health...........
so moral of the story...........be realistic dont act like a communist.......in real life everthing is not goodie, goodie.......or in black and white ......there are many other shades......u have to chose which colour suits u and let goverment decide which colour is not suitable for everyone.