This is truely a great business oppurtunity. Its not about a gold coin as much as it is about an opportunity for everyone to be financially independent. For those of us who understand the power of duplication it is truley a fantastic starting point. A great network would probably help you make it little eaiser but hey nothing comes for free. You work hard for a year or so, then u start seeing the result and infact reaping it too...have patience and think of running a marathon rather than thinking of running a a sprint.
You might have rejections but you got to take it in your stride and take it forward. Its not about CATHCHING people. The moment you do it, you and the business will go SOUTH. Its about explaining a busines plan. its about MAKING A DIFFERENCE to someone who we know directly or indirectly. Its about making a DIFFERENCE to our lives. Its about LEAVING and FULFILLING your own DREAMS.
There will be always winners and lossers. The latter category and the ones on the fence would bad mouth, whether we like it or not. It is in us to decide what is good and what is bad after using our grey cells. So dont get influenced by specially the negative folks around.So , if u believe in it you can make it happen its simply outstanding oppurtunity.
All the best!!!