Read the article on Goldquest. It was very informative. I am already a member of Goldquest and very happy to be so. The company has a sound background and I have invested in this business after a long and detailed study Even I happened to read about the case against Goldquest and was a bit disturbed. But after clarifying the facts my confidence in the company is never like before. Again which business guarantees total acceptance by one and all??? There are always people who want to put a spoke in the wheel.
Again the investment is not all that high that a person is going to be bankrupt if something goes wrong. What is the risk factor??? If a person cannot take even a small risk he should not venture beyond his 9 to 5 job. So this is a wonderful opportunity to make some good friends along with some residual income. It is wonderful to interact with so many people and get to learn many new things and also earn good money. Hail GOLDQUEST!!!!!