If GoldQuest was a scam company, why would Times of India publicise them??
With india, you never know. They might just be writing hateful articles on behalf of Quests rival companies like Amway etc.
I do not support Quest, but then if you come to think about it, most of the people who are saying that Quest is a scam are either failures (who have failed in the business), or are people who do not have anything better to do in life (which would mean they are losers). No offense intended to anyone, but that is the truth.
People just do what they do best. Talk without knowing any facts.
There is no one of authority, like the Pope, or anyone from any government etc., who is currently saying that Quest is a scam. There are reports of people saying that it was banned YEARS AGO. However, because it was years ago, no one has any concrete proof that it is a scam.
Most of the articles that people quote are old articles, from around 2004 etc. There is a fact, that the quests leader, Vijayeshwaran or someone, was put under house arrest while he was being investigated. However, as there was nothing to prove that he was guilty, all charges were dropped.
Doesnt that make you stop and think for a second? If he really was a scammer, he wouldnt be acquitted of all charges would he? That is a rhetorical question. Most of the Quest flamers cannot even speak English properly, so please do ask me for the meaning if need be.
I am actually starting to think that quest is not a scam because the only people who are actually fighting against it are people who have no power or authority. Like I said, losers or failures. What have YOU achieved to talk this way? Like I said, I am not supporting Quest. However, the people who are supporting Quest actually have cheques to prove that.
So people, give it a rest. Questers, go and Quest. Non-Questers, shut up and sit!
Good day!