Well I have some intresting thaughts about Goldquest !!! I sure hope that my views and comments will help you guys..I read most of the reviews & found both negative and positive comments from variouse people.
Im from Sri Lanka & Im a GOLDQUEST victim.. 3 years ago I was advising people on how much you can gain from goldquest, how you can achive your goals through goldquest & etc. We arranged seminars & were present in most seminars organized by other parties involved.
I investigated alot before I joined, And since the day I joined Goldquest provided all the nessasary support. The cheques and products were sent accordingly the business was blooming & I was confident from the very begining.
I DO NOT blame GOLDQUEST for what happend in Sri Lanka.
During those days 400$ was the minimum investment to join GQ & most people could not afford it but they were whiling to join. As a result many illeagal pyramid schemes poped up offering profits for an investment of 15$ and even less.(Ex. Pentagano, Money Spinner ) These illegal localy based companies took advantage of the publicity and advertising efforts of Goldquest to publicize their products. The result was - they found many clients including some people who have already joined Goldquest. It was spreading like wildfire.
This is what alarmed the Central bank of Sri Lanka. They always go for the big fish dont they ??? so they started investigating on Goldquest. I must say GQ gave there fullest support to the investigations & advised all their members to be strong and confident While all other pyramid scams Dissapeared into thin air.
Goldquest made a big mistake by hiring a private shipping company instead of a well known company like FEDEX, DHL or UPS. This shipping company is owned by a well known criminal who did not pay the govenment TAX for the golquest products that were shipped. (even though it was charged from us ). It has been found that the murder attempt of the customs officer was planned by them when it was found that tax money had been played with. GOLDQUEST had no hand in it !!! But its their FAULT..
Within about one year Goldquest Totally forgot us... thousands of people stranded with no profits or the investment they made.. Sri Lankan authorities tagged Golquest as a Pyramid scheme and banned it. GQ has now flown away with no comments what so ever... They never reply when we make inquiries as to what happens to all our money, No letters or products that were promised to be sent to match the total value of the amount we spent. Simply Nothing.
We kept so much faith on them, Introduced our friends and relations & now I cant face them when they ask me Wheres my Money ?? Wheres my Coin ?? & etc....
Is this what they call RYTHM..! ok thigs did not work out, , But I BLAME them for not refunding us. the company is quite capable of doing so With no trouble at all.. 400$ is a lot of money down here..
So Im advising my friends who are promoting GQ... Be very careful, Because if somthing goes wrong no one is there for you. Dont depend on the upliners, , they dissapear, , You will have to find answers to many questions... you might earn alot from it if it goes well, but remember when you introduce others please tell them to forget that investment coz it might go wrong !!! tell them theres a Huge risk involved...And its kind of a gamble.
If 400 $ is no big deal for you, if the country has already made laws and regulations on such schemes, if you have solid international connections & if you can find similar partners with all that qualifications...THEN Ill Advice YOU JOIN GOLQUEST !!! (But its not practical my dear friends )
IF NOT FORGET IT !!!! youll be DOOMED & Regret for the rest of your life...