Hi All,
1.Can anybody please tell in one word , its right or wrong?
- If right please justify, if wrong then ... justify it as well.
Well , I heard that we have to invest 32500 Rs(INR) to start off and another option is giving a post-dated
cheque for about 1500rs and enrolling, after which we will be provided with a Bank (which is Gold Quests Corp. Banker) Credit card thereby we have to pay 1500 per month for some tenure which I am not sure of. In the mean time once you have enrolled you have bring in as many people you know under you which is called "forming a leg". I really dont know or cant understand this concept. I have a feeling that this is something I cant go for it. But after reading Pros & Cons of this.. Oh god!! I am in real dilemma , confusion .. call it whatever.
Not yet finished, you are initially advised to bring 2 people under you and then you can remain cool...or you can go dormant as well , its the people under you will go and bring others to join under them for which we will get paid. (MLM concept ..right??) . My question is .. You work hard to bring 2 people to join under you but after which you are done.. (this is what I have been told by a person who recommended to join me).. here is where the question comes.. ok 2 people joined, but then can we imagine making money without working after that ???? (no logic , no concept).. well nobody can make money without working .. Do everybody agree for this? I also have a hunch that after a person influences you to join under him does he get his motive fulfilled or am I the first or second guy to join under him ... as far as this principle is concerned?
Anybody.. I am all ears for advice, suggestions, comments.