This is my first reveiw of my life that I am writing--**more so for the purpose that nobody else is cheated of the hard earned cash.
*Goldquest is purely an MLM and thus promotes network marketing. Network marketing produces, as an estimate, most number of millionaires every year.If you think you are very good at influencing people and changing their opinions, this may be a good opportunity to test and hone your public dealings.You will earn lots of bucks that you may even be tempted to quit your job and get into this business full fledged.
Quite some of my friends who are into this business have succeeded and almost earn somewhere around 30-50 thousand every month, , , some others earn lacks and lacks every week!!!!! geeks that a hell of a money. You will find the system-your network- to be very good and helpful .
They (the presenters) dont say --anything/ many things/much----false. Whatever they say is almost true-be it the company profile(some lies regarding revenvue, and tie-ups with various world famous organizations), the product or the scheme.
If you are succesful in building your network, you would also start recieving your cheques that you can deposit to encash to your far so good.
SO where is the product or the business wrong????
*AND I Hate To Talk About The Legality Of The Business Because As Long As It Is Paying Me The Money Who The Hell Cares?
*First things first----the product ---Never buy a product for the sake of entering into MLM business. Isnt it the same tactics how you catch fish????You give worms ..the fish comes and you who has the rod has the last laugh? If you like the business more than the product...then everything is wrong-your motives and the business itself.Be assured the company is tryig to woo you for a product that would otherwise not sell.
Is Numismatics your real passion? If that be, purchase coins from Govt. They are recognised institutions.GoldQuest is not. It is a private institution. No recognition from anywhere. SO how does it help you-in isolation- that GQ had a history----something like gold medals in some olympics , releasing coins etc.....Never take numismatics as an investment. It never is. You will never be able to sell your numismatic coin that is released by a private player...not even thirty years from now.Check desperate people are to sell their coins--did you notice that all the coins are from GQ only?one or two has bidding --of course by this leaders only to convince that the product is sold.......
Further, the prices are too high and make no sense. a 3 gram gold and 30 gram silver will cost you , at max, five thousand. add 10% making charges including wastage charges, add royalty charges --add all the charges----(they take seperate courier charges)the total cost never exceeds 10, 000 Rs. And mind you --these are not the wholesale charges but the RETAIL charges at which you can purchase the coins in market. (yeak the cola breakup--80 pasie for cola, 2 Rs company profit, the remaining distributed among distributors.)
Does the product really bother---------I know the nasha(intoxication) is too high. Who cares if you are buying a product that you dont care --you are still getting the business that sells and makes you rich......
So will get to the point straightway----some things you must consider before entering this business.
1)You must not club freinds/relations with money. The day you do so, almost everybody looks a prospect to you. Thats how business is done. ghoda ghaas se dosti nahi kar sakta. Are you ready to bring in your friends into this business? Is your friend as smart as you? ARe you as smart as your friend whi is introducing you ito this business? are you ready to take the burden if your friend loses all his money? Is your friend ready to take this responsibility for you?
2)are your friends/relatives in a position to put such a high amount in? do they have credit cards? will they apply for it? when will they get the card? do they have the hard cash? is it march time? are they planning to invest the money somewhere else? 30-40 thousand is HUGE me
3) If not the friends/relatives...can you chat up with stranger or mere acquaintances? do you have it in you.........
4) finally--on this point...why not check your friends before you join?
5)The worst case scenario is a favourite get minimum 2 in maximum 3 months and your successor is equally as inefficient as you. So after 6 months you have four....and so on.....
just think if you will still have any more people to reach out after 3 months..and if you have taken three mmonths to start your chain.....just think how good you are and will be in this business????????
Lastly, my immediate downline didnt get her product. They dont deliver the product to your doorstep..but rather send it some area leader. You will not know who this guy is and if you happen to b ein a metro like Bangalore and Chennai where it has an office in a prime location in a dingy room...yo will find the guy saying "what can I do..i dont send products?" when you say "you are representing quest here and you have to answer " he says.."ok we will try" and that never happens...
My downline -she did not want a police case---gad!!! so we lost..
my dear freinds..if the desire is still so strong to join....just get yourself regitered but dont buy the product(your upline will give you reasons against doing do because you will not be able to start with the business-the actual point is he will not recive the commision for introducing you) and start approching peole. See what response do you get?