I joined this for the gold coin assuming that it will be a numesmatic coin but unfortunatly I came to know that I have been fooled. Firstly how the coin can be numesmatic when thousands of coins are minted at a time?
In india for minting coins with images of gods how the company can have a sole authority? Any one can mint a coin of god e.g.. state bank and icici banks are also selling the coins with image of godess lakshmi then how can a coin by gold quest with image of godess lakshmi can be called numesmatic one?
Also these coins are not currency coins as like the double eagle coin whose example is given during our presentation so on what basis these coins will be having numesmatic value in future?
Now practical example I tried to sell this coin on e-bay but after keeping the price as low as Rs.20000/- not a single response was recieved. how numesmatic ?
After search I came to know that 6-7 similar NUMESMATIC gold coins of gold quest were for sell on e-bay at the same time and they also had 0 bidding
After few days e-bay removed all these gold coins from their web and informed that selling these coins is against there rule now gold quest says that these coins are numesmatic and recognised all over the world what a contradiction
I just want to bring to your notice that as told these coins are not numesmatic but its just a crap
please be aware of these scheams