I was about to join quest net soon and one of my friend pointed me to
I read through that blog for all the posts and comments.
I learned that GoldQuest was banned by Madras highcourt in 2003. Now they are operating in india again as QuestNet to sell the same products.
I am not able to make up my mind, confused on whether to join or not. I
request the questnet members to answer to these questions please
[again, I found these issues being pointed to on that blog]
Extracted from one of that CodeCritic’s blog article - https://codecritic.in/blog/?p=114 :
*Quest.Net global presence:
*QuestNet presenters claim that they are operating in more than
160+ countries. However their website has the office addresses of
Hongkong, Malaysia, Indonasia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,
Thailand, Brazil, India and UAE. If they have offices in other
countries, why is that the address not being shown on their own
website? Even if you go to the parent company website, they show office
addresses of only Singapore, Hongkong and Malaysia under the regional
offices heading. Where did the remaining 150+ countries address go?
Atleast in India, whenever I call Bangalore office phone number [+91
80 2228 2407], no one ever responded so far. Phone keeps on ringing all
the time. A multi billion company doesn’t have money to appoint a
person to respond to phone calls?
Customer Service:
Let me talk about their customer service now. From every new joinee
they collect a minimum of 33, 000 INR. If the promised coin doesn’t
reach a buyer in appropriate time, is there a Customer Cell to respond
to buyers queries? - Answer is NO. There is no customer support via
email or phone number that you can dial to know the status. They advice
you to fill in a form available in the questnet offices in such cases.
Is it some kind of govt office to rely on paper work for complaints? If
at all there is some kind of customer support available, why is it not
made available on their website for members grievances?
My question to questnet members - A company that accepts money
through internet for a sale, doesn’t have a customer care support
either online or through phone? What a shame!
Customer Satisfaction:
Any non consumable product in current market will have customer
satisfaction time period. When a customer is paying multiple times of
amount compared to that of the actual cost for a Quest.Net gold coin,
why is that there is no refund or withdraw option available if that
customer is not happy with service or the product? - If you go through
their Policies and Procedure document that you should accept at the time of registration, there is no mention of refund or customer satisfaction at all.
Payment method:
Quest.net accepts payments online for their sales. They say it is the
e-commerce concept. Well done - I agree. Now why is the same concept
not applicable when paying back the commission money to members? Only
cheques - Why? Only one side of the e-commerce works at Quest.Net?
*Questnet’s RYTHM:
*What ever the reason is, person who joined hands with scam is always in the receiving end!
Going by their mission of RYTHM, why aren’t they helping those who lost
their money in quest.net when it was banned in multiple countries? Can
some one point me to a single incident of such a helping act by
Quest.Net to give back people their hard earned money when such a ban
was imposed in Srilanka or Afghanistan? They know only accepting money
but not giving away. Is the mission statement justified?
Please help me. Even I tried to call that questnet office telephone
number. No one seem to respond to verify the truth. Is it worth joining?