If you have always wondered what is it about this pyramid scam called Goldquest/ quest.net/ qatana that those who join this scam refuse to see any logic, refuse to believe anyone who tells them what they are doing is scam. What is it that these Goldquest masters do to oridnary may be a bit greedy people which tranform them into scamsters who ultimately graduate into true believers of this scam.
answer may be found in the training that these master brainwashers subject these new recruits to. The same training video is now available on Google video which might hepl in solving the mystery transformation. Actually the video has been uploaded by the Goldquest masters themself few days ago to train their new recruits on tricks which they will be required to play on new bakraas to fool them to join this scam. It is ironical that same recruits who are intended beneficiary of this training video, were fooled into joining this scam using the same tricks by their upliners. Sounds funny. But this is serious stuff people. We can benefit from these videos to enlighten ourself and prepare us in advance before one of these thugs try their tricks on us.
The video is in 8 parts. : (if u have time there is more stuff here: https://missionpossible.in/?page_id=6)
1. Dream : selling dreams
This part deals with selling dreams as a first step to us into joining this this scam. This Goldquest boss is actually selling the dreams to the recruits in the video, who are of course getting trained to use the same trick on new bakraas. He clams that "if dreams is big enough facts don’t count" 27 minutes into his presentation. What it actually means for us is that if these thugs can manage to get us dream big, then we will fall into their trap because then our crtical thinking would be overpowered by our dream that facts wont matter for us. The fact that these thugs don’t want us to know. The fact that more tan 90% of those who join this scam are doomed to lose everything even before they start, no matter how hard they work.
2. Commitment: Brainwashing recruits for blind Commitment to this scam
The Goldquest master is preaching about total commitment to this fraud in this part of training video. What it means is that he is asking his recruits to not swayed by adverse publicity generated by this scam in the countries where it has already collapsed and truth has come out. Or even if their mastermind of this scam Vijayeswaran S. Vijayaratnam is arrested for fraud and jailed. These are master of group pshycology. This is how new recruits are brainwashed. This is how these new recruits will try to brainwash us.
3. Name list: Preapre List of potential targets of this scam
The master is now brainwashing the recruits into using their friends and relatives as potentail targets of this scam. This is the most sinister part of the scam as the scamsters manipulate the recruits into using the trust associated with relationship of friendship to propagate their scam. Can any genuine buisness be based on using friends and relatives as the primary sales target. Think about it. Suppose we have to buy a TV. We go to a showroom and if a salesman tries to sell a particular brand TV to us, we tend to be very cautious, we enquire lot and our decision to buy or not is based on the facts after weighing all the pros and cons. Whereas suppose if your uncle owns a TV showroom, you go there and if he selects a TV for you, you would take it. Here is the element of trust that comes in when dealing with friends and relatives. So these thugs are brainwashing your friends and then hoping that he will sell their scam to you. And you will sell it your friends and relatives for them.
4, 5 & 6. The Art of invitation & Prospecting, Showing the plan, Follow through
The Art of invitation part can be applied to any buisness. However in this scam the only emphasis is on recruiting new downliners. Absolutely no or very minimum emphasiss on products which are mentioned in passing. THE HALLMARK OF A PYRAMID SCAM. In fact this Goldquest thug makes it a point to tell that he does not like to talk about products with the bakraas at all. Why? because all the scam is based on recruiting new bakraas into endless chain which is the only way anyone can make any money in thiss cam. The new recruits are sold the dreams, then forced to buy a highly overpriced useless product which has no market, and trained to fool more people into joining this scam. Since sales occur only to new recruits, so whether product is good or not, useful or not, resaleble or nor, does not matter to these thugs. The master scamster very cleverly claims in the video that only a moron will say no to joining their scam. The person who says No has lost his dream and blah blah. See the video 6. THIS IS CALLED HIGH PRESSURE SALES PITCH ENVIRONMENT. So if you are there in such meeting, you have already been labelled a PATHETIC MORON in case you say NO to their scam. Now if you face such situation in future, you know what is coming at you.
Their only claim to legality is based on what they claim as their association with some organisations like WHO, FAO etc cleverly hiding the fact these organisations, or pope or the presidents dont do network marketting buisness with this pyramid scam buisness called Goldquest. The fact they have been banned and prosecuted in Iran, srilanka, nepal. The fact that their big boss is already in jail in Indonesia arrested for this fraud.
7. Counsel upline: The ploy to silence potential whistleblowers
The only way you find the truth about this scam and find hat you have been tricked is after you have joined them. At least this is what they intend. The only way the scam can propagate even after that is if they can fool you longer. So the scamsters came up with tis ingineous idea "BAD NEWS- UPLINE ONLY, GOOD NEWS- DOWNLINE". Look at the absurdiy of statement. What do u expect to hear when u tell bad news (doubts) to upliner. Of course Good news only no matter how bad it actually is. he got same training as u. So you are being brainwashed into beleieving that things will get better for you, if you choose not to tell the downliners about truth behind the scam. The truth that more than 90% of those who join this scam are doomed to loose everyhing even before they have joined it. This is the reality of all pyramid scams. That is why it is a SCAM.
8. Duplicate: Spread the scam
They master is motivating new recruits to spread the scam as fast as they can.
*The total length of all videos is about 2 hours or so. But if you
can save even 1 person other than you from geting scammed, the time
spent will be worth it.
raul2000/2002/2004 are same person.