Today’s RESILIENT INDIA needs people who can create better leaders than them (I assume they will be leaders). The FEAR OF FAILURE has stopped these people to dream, for if they dream, they have to work and if they work, they’ll have to face failure as nobody wins all the time! WE WERE NOT THERE IN MEDAL COUNTS DURING FIFA WORLD CUP, AND WE WILL HARDLY HAVE ANYBODY AT THE PODIUM FOR BEJING 2008. In between, we may be able to PAT OURSELVES IF OUR BOYS IN THE BLUE - THE INDIAN CRICKET TEAM wins the WORLD CUP.
It’s the people who have all the comments and expert opinions in the world to give to others, whereas they have not implmented any such thing in their lives. Hope these people realise their mistakes and CHANGE WITH AN ATTITUDE TO WIN.
GoldQuest is for those who live b taking chances