I have just joined gold gym and I am shocked at the attitude of staff. Its been five days and I am only doing cardio machines for 30-40 minutes. I have been working out for couple of years now and this is the first gym ever to be so laid back. Whenever we would go to check out the gym the reception people for one had no fixed answers to questions we ask!!Simple questions like timings of gym, how many instructors at one time or services included in packages!! Every sales person had a new answer.they put the AC off and on for some time off for long and on for short, if asked why they say few gym members have sinus problem.
Well I have worked out in posh gyms before never have I seen this attitude. Instructors are very laid back. Good ones are busy selling themselves for personnel training, its as if they ignore you so bad that a member is forced to buy a personal training!!!My overall experience with gold gym was not satisfactory at all . Though its been five days. Hopefully might change my review after some time well for now I love my old gym ozone in chandigarh. Its perfect in every way. The only reason I joined gold was 1. Its close to house and 2. My husband has also joined it( finally)check out this site https://mygym.wordpress.com
Now the latest dated 20 july 2010
Golds gym mohali already had a bad name and today they crossed their limits. I went to workout and the receptionist and daisy the manager say that I cant workout in the gym in a racer back t shirt. I was like that is gym wear and it was humiliating. The maintenance is already poor and now golds standard has come down to such standard. And y do you call yourself an international chain when your managers attitude is worst than an educated indian. I was totally humiliated and shocked tht golds gym has no quality at all. I am going to golds since 4 yrs and this is the treatment I get for being a regular plus winning the fit n fab title.