Taking Mayak - one of the Mouthshut reviewer advice I left my brain at home and took my wallet and eyes to the Movie Hall to watch Golmaal 3 since their was nothing much to watch on Diwali Afternoon. Golmaal shines in the Jokes department and makes you laugh till you cry but then you cannot actually leave your brain back at home and this is were the problem starts to rise. The first half of the movie is just pure fun and has decent shades of good plot building up but then after intermission everything starts to go downhill and eating soggy old pop corn starts to feel more fun then watching dumb and tasteless 10 Minutes of mute joke sequence between 5 brothers.
Though the star cast is good excellent but you do feel at times that the Actors are not fitting well with the characters..for E.G Police office Mr. Dhinde it was amusing to see this police inspector in a comical role comparable to his similar but serious short role in phenomenal Maqbool, his acting was so bizzare that it seems like he was almost begging audience to laugh.
Of all the character Arsad character had best "elegant" jokes and he made best out of them by good punchy delivery, Tushar character as usual could not speak and frankly I wished he did because after sometimes He just gets on to your nerves and his silly dramatic actions are hard to see and digest. and Ajay Devgan ...what s with such a long face and though he had some really tight fighting sequences his chemistry with Kareena felt more like Brother Sister than lovers. And the Big waste in this movie was Jonny - He used to be such a great comedian and now neither he has that punch nor he has good jokes to deliver. We cannot blame him since all good jokes are now delivered by Hero himself instead of a comodian. Thats a big shift in Indian cinema ...Hero is now comodian, action figure and Lover too..and only god knows what happened to stories and plot of Indian comedy cinema. We had movies like JaAne Bhi Do Yaroo, Angoor and even Hare Phari was one of comedy classics but now looks like Directors have this set of 1000 jokes which he needs to deliver in a story format or build a plot to narrate them.
Golmaal Plot is Simple and I swear it cannot get simpler than that...its a story of two old lovers coming together after 30 years (approximation) and they have set of adopted kids who do not know that they are adopted and have fearcy business rivalary with each other in the streets of Goa and now these two old lovers get married without the true knowledge of Kids and when their Kids finds out true identity of each others family a comical revenge drama emerges. Thier is also a side plot about Jonny being a Gang leader and he has stolen Maharani neckless and hidden it in one of the mentioned family house and since he is suffering from amenesia he cannot remember the place or location where he has hidden the neckless.
The songs are catchy and you will not remember any of them ( or may be one title song) the moment you will walk out of the cinema hall. The action sequences are pretty good except the last car chase scean. It looked liked it was filmed in a poors man diseny world with bunch of Toy cars ...who does that in this Golden age of CG. Ajay had strong screen presence in few shots and apart from that he just had to make SIMILAR long face though out the movie. Arshad stood out from the group as an actor and had better screen presence and his jokes delivery is quite punchy too. Rest you can forget because it is not worth remembering.
Overall if you have Rs 250 and another 100 for eatables and yes double the amount for your girlfriend or wives and you dont mind mindless fun you can certanely watch this movie...it will bring you no harm accept your wallet will feel litle light. Or you may want to save that money for upcoming cinema release like Guzarish - 7th Nov, The Social Network - 12th Nov or Harry Potter - 24th Nov. My advice will be to save it.