Frankly, My dear(s), I dont give a damn. At least not about ordinary run-of-the-mill love stories, I dont! But I havent stopped thanking my stars yet for having the good sense to borrow this book from a friend to give reading it a shot, since Id heard so much about it. And I loved every single page of it....yes all 1000 odd pages were absolutely breathtaking!
Right from Scarletts carefree existence at Tara, to her life as a shrewd, calculating, hard-hearted business woman as Mrs. Frank Kennedy, in Atlanta, Ms. Mitchell manages to capture the readers attention through the whole heart-breaking process of transformation. Not once does the narrative slow down, thanks to the sheer magic that the authors words weave, transporting one so effortlessly to the time when war ravaged the Americas.
At the risk of being ridiculed, I seriously beg to differ with all my book-loving buddies who call this novel a love story. This masterpiece is so much more than a saga of love. It is a tragic, intense, masterpiece of human emotions that manages to stay just beneath the surface of your memory forever.
Rhett Butler, Scarlett O Hara, Melanie Wilkes, Ashley Wilkes, Mammy, Charles Hamilton, Frank Kennedy..... the list of unforgettable characters, each portrayed with such great attention to detail, promise to stay on in my mind forever. Speaking of which, parts of the book where Rhetts character comes through, sometimes reminded me of Howard Roarke, Ayn Rands protagonist from Fountainhead, making me wonder if maybe the two authors had etched these characters based on the same philosophy of selfishism (hey did I just coin a new word here ?!).
All said and done, I know for sure I have finally developed a taste for epic stories belonging to this genre. And thats definitely something I can brag about since Ive always had a short attention span. So whats next on my list?
Colleen McCulloughs Thornbirds, and Scarlett the sequel inspired by Gone With The Wind. And of course, Im dying to see the four hour long movie starring Vivian Leigh & Clark Gable to see if it measures up to the exceptionally high standards set by this mind-blowing classic. Hope you enjoy reading this monumental epic as much as yours truly did!