Well I had heard a lot about this book but had never got a chance to read it or view the movie. The book was there in our school library but I never got around to reading it since I thought it was all about the civil war and it would be boring especially since its such a big fat book. But its reviews were great so when I recently saw it lying around in the office library and there were no new titles around, I decided to give it a try.
I think the very first chapter catches hold of Ur mind and U can never put it down till U complete it. It took me four days to complete it but I really did not feel lilke leaving it and going to office and doing other work or watching tv.
Well story is of such ancient times that we can only imagine them. But the description is the emotions are such that U dont really need a picture to picturise them in Ur mind. At no time does one feel like skipping out the descriptions(which One usually does ).
U never once hate Scarlett for being selfish since her character is so innocent and lovable.
Rhett of course is the adorable villain whom U sympathise with and appreciate his honesty and wit.
All in all the war theme is overshadowed by the Rhett and Scarletts story and instead of making it boring the war actually enhances the emotions and situations.
I read it thrice before returning it to the library though I really didnt feel like giving it back.
I am sure if I had kept it, I would have read it on a weekly basis.
The end is not happy and leaves U feeling at a loss. The loss of Scarlett and Rhett who seem made for each other.
The ever elusive desired thing that one runs after all the life and in doing so, loses that which one has but does not appreciate -- this is essentially the moral of the book