I remember one of my friend gifting this copy on my 20th birthday. I used to read a lot and when I got this I thought it’s one of those readable Western Classics.
Now I am proud say this is one of the most valuable possession I have in my life. I did find time to go thru the book 833 X 5 = 4165 times. All the character are my soul friends. Scenes are there in my heart and like to go thru them again and again.
This book narrates the story about two people Scarlet and Rhett. It is a Romantic conflict. They have these two are different and their complexes. And Scarlet is shown so alive and a die-hard character.
There are some touching scenes _ which move you to tears and at the same time scenes, which make you, laugh (a sweet laughter). It’s only few pages, which takes you thru a small span of American History, but that itself is so vast and deep.
The other character Rhett is depicted as a person who doesn’t care about what the society thinks.
There are other characters also which are part and parcel of this conflict novel. So many instances we come across characters who were not required. On looking back we find them much suited to the ethics of the novel.
It shows the era of how African Americans were treated, an Era when the Slavery existed. It also depicts the human relationship even in the times of pain and agony. How they care for each other ……
It is too true Epic from Margaret Mitchell.
I would like to stop here and ask you and your friends to read this must read Novel.
If you find this novel interesting do find time to watch the film also once (I am sure u will watch it once more and once more)
Wishing You a Happy reading and then viewing.