This is one of the best movie I have seen. I had read the book and I was captivated by Rhett Butler and Scarlett Ohara. I was very impressed with the book and when I got hold of the movie I was all the more interested in how they have made the movie.
Well the movie was as good as the book !!! In fact better. Vivien Leigh in her role as Scarlett was very impressive and her attitude is that of a survivor !! We could take up some of her charateristics. She is a woman whom I really admire.. lot of spirit and courage and a survivor to the last. She epitomises todays woman who believes in what she wants and goes for it despite the obstacles. She is one of the strongest character I have come across. Her love for one and her passion for another is an interesting. Her optimism and determination to live through the greatest adversities of life is commendable. Her philosophy Tomorrow is another day is very optimistic and shows that she wants to move on and not brood about the past and what cannot be solved.
Clark Gable gives a very convincing performance. You feel like hating him sometimes and then loving him sometimes. Its an emotional roller coaster. he has played the Character of Rhett to perfection. When I think of Rhett, Clark Gable always comes to my mind. It was as it the part was written for him !!
All in all its one of the legendary movie which will be holding its ratings till time immemorial. Well I would recommend this movie to all the ladies out there ... specially if you are in a mood to watch a good classic. The plot has not been revealed because I would like you all to find it out for yourself.
Its magic !!!!
And a small tip !!
Read the book if you can before seeing the movie !!! You will enjoy it more !!
So check this out !!