Hmmm. a movie we all were waiting for. after all tusshar kapoor and emraan hashmi sharing d screen.was something which interested everyone. But how far did d pair suceed in making a mark?
I hope by now many of d college boyz must have seen d movie, whether good or bad, it definitely reminds u of some of d moments when good and bad fought in d class room. But when good and bad becomes friends, what hapeens?
I agree the movie was pretty bad, the direction was poor, paresh rawal was irritating at times and even tusshar got onto d nerves but still u get things to learn from d movie:
-> there is nothing like good bay or bad boy, u need to be a smart boy to succeed in life
-> hardwork and determination cn make anything possible, if tusshar cn win a dance competition and emraan a quiz. then even v cn do anything.
i know I am being a bit sarcastic, but dats wat I learnt from d movie
i think if d same movie and actors were directed by a gud and efficient director, it wud definitely a gud movie. After all, when bad meets good, it sparks magic!
For all u guys I will say it is a one time watch!