One thing I love is gangster movie be it hollywood, bollywood or any other foreign langauge.
Goodfellas is another one of my favorite hollywood films, as it belongs to a gangster genre. The main reason I watch this movie is because of robert deniro and joe pesci, the acting by these two is worth a watch over and over again. This movie won an oscar as well and joe pesci won the best supporting actor award for oscars as well. The movie came out in 1990 and is considered among the best hollywood films of all times.
The film is about henry hill (ray liotta) who always wanted to be gangster, even when he was a young boy. He starts working for a cab company owned by the mafia. Then soon starts to make more money then any other adult in the neighborhood. He also forms connections with everyone in the area. He is being treated like an adult .
By 1970 henry has acheived a position of some importance in the mafia, he and his two closest associates the hotheaded tommy devito ( joe pesci) and no take shiit from noone jimmy conway (robert deniro) are becoming involved in the areas that arent approved of by everyone in the mob, in particular drug dealing.
Henry is now married to a jewish girl named karen (lorraine braco) that leads to mor reckless life and even becoming involved in tommys murder of a made mobster and spending a term in jail. Once henry thinks about his life he becomes aware that his life maybe in jeopardy from those who he once considered his closest friends.
There are two principles of the gangster way never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut and henry has to go along to save his life.
Henry cheats on his wife with two different women and gets addicted to cocaine, in 1978 they steal six million dollars in a famous lufthansa heist, but inside the mafia it is decided several key members must be killed for the money to be protected, henry is arrested and spills his guts he is put in a witness protection program and his life as gangster is effectevily over
Although the film is very long but is shorter then the godfather, what interesting about this movie is the story which mainly focuses on henry hill from early in his life throughout his career as a gangster, and the movie is based on a true story and its exactly what the movie looks like.
The director martin scorses has also directed films like taxi driver, raging bull, cape fear, casino but this is his best work. taxi driver was focused manily on robert deniro, where this movie focuses on real life drama, cultures and relationships learning whats right and wrong.
Performancewise- robert deniro gives one of his best performance in this film as james conway hes not there as much in the movie, but for the time being he is there he is incredible, but taxi driver still reamins his best performance though. Star of the show is none other then joe pesci who is just to funny the guy won an oscar for his performance in this film the scene worth a watch is when he is in a restaurant and kills one of his friends for laughing. Ray liotta also gives his best performance in this film from the begining to the end the movie is based on him. loraine braco also won a oscar and a academy award for the best supprting actress for this film, she is great as well.
goodfellas is not like I thought it would be it is very funny and five minutes dont go by without something hysterical happening. I reccomend goodfellas, but there is a lot of violence in the film and it is very realistic if this offends anyone stay away.