Google Chrome is a very famous browser amoung all the people, the people who used this browser on there own pc definatly they download the app of also to habbit of using it, I am also using it Pc, laptops, phones and tablets, but in Pc I have not any problem while using this browser I am buying a new pc and its comes already installed so till now I am using it. but some time net not connected so I refresh it and net problem is solved
I have problem with google chrome app I see that its 1 billion of download in playstore and above 4 rating too, this is because many of the brand phone comes with pre installed Google Chrome brower thats a resion of 1 billion download you just update in new phones and not even you uninstall it but you can disable it.
In the latest version of app size is 42mb and my phone ram is 512 mb so its cant work it prople hangs and lags many time .even I uninstall some apps but my phone says low memory I cant used it properly and finally I uninstall it.
Second problem cant used this browser properly in 2g networks, mostly I used this app in 3g network but its hang to in 3g network but speed provide is great.
Help Fuctionality
Definately its helpful for evey one to use it even most of the people use it but peope install two browser, for doing the two different work why this because they cant get the same speed using in one brower by different tabs
Ease of use
Yep its easily used by any body because first page is open that is Google and people go dirrect on that . its easy in pc but in phone take time to laod
In app one click for desktop view
Igcoginate browsering( to do private work nothing will store in history or searching engine its one click to do this and exit it to clear private functioning
Print page pdf file make, : - this function really help me alot because I have no printer to print out any page so I do make it convert into pdf file and go to cyber cafe to print out it.
Auto language changer while seen the text in any language they nofify me to change the text language
Some time I used a gov. Site of india they said untrust page back it, one two back but now I go . even this is also haven it MOUTHSHUT account opening time they said untrust someting Go back.
2 * * for the app
Thank you