Chromecast is a Google Product and was launched quite a long time ago. It is basically kind of a Dongle which connects to your Television just like a HDMI cable does.
When I was unboxing this gadget, The simplest way to watch online videos on your TV was written on it but furthermore I came to know that it does much more than that.
Lets take an example where you have a 49inch TV ( Its more than enough ) but the TV is not a Smart TV, instead of buying a new Smart TV you can choose a chromecast which costs a Couple of thousand bucks and if that thing gets attached to your TV, It upgrades your TV from a Normal TV to a Smart TV.
So the main motive of Chromecast is to make your TV a Smart TV for a much more cheaper price.
This product is Really great, Its durable, Its easy to set up ( just follow the instruction manual, Itll hardly take 5mins) , User friendly and most importantly it is a great deal for its value.