6 months agoI downloaded this application by watching advertisement on you tube in order to collect some reward. When I downloaded it , I signed up through my google account and it was written over there to wait while the survey comes. I waited for the survey for days and months but didnt got any.After 6 months I switched on my phone and saw the notification that a survey is available. I was happy so that o will get some reward. The application gave me the survey , I answered all the questions correctly and was paid just ₹10 after waiting such a long.Use of rewardYou can use the rewards received from this application only on Google play store to download paid applications or movies and also in the in-app purchases of some apps.I personally recommend to download the application and just keep it in the phone and you will be notified about the review but you have to wait a long to get a review.
Concept is totally good, as the administrator provides money based on survey which will help them in turn
Design of the application is quite simple and friendly , we can use it easily, just a sign up required.
Application is very much useful as we can purchase paid apps from it . But the main problem is that the surveys are not available all time, too much time is required.