I believe that Google is not the best search engine of all time.
Definitely with a lot of manipulation, any website can be brought to the top regardless of whether it was ever updated ! Any website on the top will always continue to stay on the top simply because 90% of people will be click on the first page and hardly anyone goes beyond the 10th page ever !
By manipulating, what is commonly known as google bomb the search on failure gave the result of President Bushs page.
Google retains old pages at the top which may be outdated links or not at all revelant while new useful pages are sometimes not even seen just because the webmaster has not tried manipulations (also read as search engine optimizations).
One has to struggle with rules and regulations before getting a google ad on ones website, but you will find 100s of webpages that contain google ads which contain nothing but sponsored link.
Eg: Give a search on "Healthscribe" and on google you will get healthscribeindia.com as one of the top results, but if you open the page it is nothing but a useless page for people actually searching for "Healthscribe" the medical transcription company. However, Yahoo gives the right result and you dont have to specify that Healthscribe is a registered Medical Transcription company ! Google will give the result as long as the word is found ... but regardless of whether it is significant or not... Google search engines does not recognise a page with a frame and cached blank page as my website page whereas yahoo search was able to show in cache the the pages which had frames.
Conclusion: Google search returns only those pages, which follow the rules made by Google regardless of whether it is actually useful for people while other search engines give better results even if your website is not manipulated to attract search engines.
Tell me is this true...
google can list your website... without your permission...
but if you want google in your website you have to agree to all conditions....
google can take screen shot of your webpage....without your permission...
you cannot have even a google logo without their permission...
google can store (cache) your website content on their server... without your permission...
you need to have an exclusive permission if you want to play with any google stuff....
google can search, show, store the copyrighted images stored in your web pages without your permission...
they will not call you... but you have to beg them to remove...
google will confuse and redirect your website searchers by giving 10 competitives ads... and snatching your profit and business with your money...
Lastly though need a googles permission for anything related to google.....
Does Google need to ask you before they are going to let the google earth give a close up right into your bathroom !!!
Disclaimer: The above article is the writers personal opinion and may not necessarily be the opinion of everyone. Intentions of the writer are not to create a bad reputation for Google, but only expressing personal opinion as a citizens right for freedom of expression. The authors article may not necessarily be completely correct or error free as it is more a personal experience.