The strive for the Perfect search engine. It may seem impossible, but Google is getting pretty close. They have spent many hours surveying people, finding out what they like and dislike, and improving their search engine based on these results. Google knows that the perfect search engine would churn out exactly what the user wants, and that is almost impossible, but they would like to come as close as possible. I find that many times my searches are fulfilled, but once in a while they are not. Whenever I cant get what I want from google, I ask Jeeves. I have found that Ask Jeeves has given me many good results also. Googles website is very self explanitory and user friendly...and that is a very good quality for sites to have in this world of new internet users. Overall I find that Google is probably the best search engine out there with probably the best and most results, but their goal for the Perfect search engine is far-fetched.