There are simply too many reviews on Google to know if this one is a rerun. Please don’t send plagiarism accusations flying, all copies of other reviews in text below are coincidental and plain dumb luck!
This review is targeted at those who know Saint Google well. Having embraced Googlism fully, they now wanna do more than just google. O believer, did you ever wander beyond the home-page at Googland? If you did, well, you probably wrote a review elsewhere in this section. For the rest of us, following links check out well:
- Google Suggest--
This is my favourite Google invention. Still in beta stages, like everything else in this review, it is not well publicised. IMHO it is going to shape the future of web searches. The funda is simple: As you type the first word or two of your search query, Google predicts what you may be looking for!
More often than not, St. Google has you pinned. Try it—you’ll be surprised at the results. Being an avid reader of George Orwell, Arthur C Clarke and Asimov, this site sends an eerie chill down my spine. All those sci-fi novels and movies way back in 1950s…. this is what they were talking about. Machines that can think, that can learn, that can predict your next move! Agent Smith aala re aala…
The reason I recommend this search is because it has helped me search for stuff I didn’t know I was looking for. Many a times it happens that we have vague idea of what we want, but find it difficult to express ourselves.
In cases like these , Google Suggest comes to our rescue. It shows, based on few characters typed by you, what other people are also looking for. Maybe one of those suggestions fits our need?
- Google Labs--
This is the playground of Googloids. On this site, you find tons of new products and ideas from Google that are not ready for primetime. In your leisure time, I recommend you browse through the various links and marvel at the horizons that human-creativity can breach.
Google has been popular as a portal that leads us on to other joys. Can you believe my amazement when I discovered that there was enough masala at Google itself to spice up Internet browsing for weeks!
- Froogle, Google Local et al--
If you click on that little “more” above the main search field on Google’s home page, it leads you to the options page. Welcome to the vast underground city that Saint Google has been quietly making, click-by-click.
The mammoth amount of data at its disposal and technology to process and present the data at the speed of light makes Google more than just a search engine. By cross-referencing the various information collected over the years using public search patterns and its own scanning of the Internet, we have access to very specialised products by Google. Examples include Google Keyhole, Google Local and Google Toolbar to name a few.
Many of the earth-changing inventions seem to be US-centric at this time. Soon they will span the world. Google Earth for instance gives you real-time satellite images of any US town with accuracy of 1km radius. You can then search for the Pizza Outlets in that area and Google will send you driving directions, phone numbers and most popular menu items to quell that hunger!!!
- Double Mazaa--
Before I end this review, there’s this cute site I chanced upon recently. It came to me as an April Fool’s joke claiming that Yahoo and Google had merged. This was the proof. Do have a dekko. But quick-- lawyers from Yahoo and Google are already banging on his door, shouting, “trademark infringement”!!
<Edited 051122: The site name has been changed from to after legal implications>
Go on then. Discover more from your favourite website. And yeah, even I wish this review was shorter…. so don’t comment on that ;-)
Other than that, go ahead and RRC me till you bleed. Would love to see some flaming comments!!
By the way, those current trends I spoke about? Catch them at: