If you need a really fast search engine you ought to try Google.com. In my opinion it is the fastest of the lot.It is just about my favourite search engine on the Internet. Googles landing page loads very quickly as it is devoid of much of the clutter associated with the majority of other search engines.
This should not really be a cause for surprise given
that Google was explicitly designed with speed very
much in mind.
Google.com makes finding information and navigating on
the Web real fast. It uses unique Page Rank
technology which leverages the structural
nature of the Web, which is defined by the way in
which any Web page can link to any other Web page, instantly, directly and without an intermediary.
Not only is Google fast but it turns up highly relevant and reliable search results that you can trust.I personally feel it is the most reliable search engine I have ever used.
Incredibly it has links to more than a billion web sites.Google gives you the highest number of possible matches because of its large database.And it so proud of its speed that it even provides a counter that tells you just how long the search took ! It is most decidely the search engine to use when your boss wanted that report on the behaviour patterns of the giant leatherback turtle
ten minutes ago.If you havent tried it yet you really
should ! Just like Tina Turner- its simply the best !