Ladies and Gentlemen, boys, girls and others. I shall introduce you to the world of the serial googler.
Hark! But three or four years ago I was an MSN man... one who relied on msn for service and comfort. However, Msn changed... I didnt like it. I could find nothing on the new msn. I had also noticed it had got a lot slower. Fed up with waiting up to TWO MINUTES for a search result, I seeked other options, passing Altavista and Jeeves in my search for freedom. Then someone recommended Google to me, a service I had heard of but feared - too big, too impersonal... maybe even too good.
So I logged on, and typed in my search. What? That quick? I asked as my results for david lloyd fan club arrived.
OK. It is really quick, but there are other things it does. It has a comprehensive image search (around 1.5million images scanned), translates and you can even change its language to your mother tongue or create a new language (Klingon, Bork Bork Bork!, Elmer Fudd, Pig Latin).
It is a bit impersonal, but it is quick, and personality would slow it down.