one of the best of the multitude of search engines out there in cyberland.
You can search through, search,,, look, etc, etc, etc, and never come across a search engine so complete as Google. All you have to do is put in a few words from what you are looking for. For example, copy and paste any part of anyones review, right here on Mouth Shut, and Google will search and locate those words, match them to any printed material containing those words and voila! Caught you copying!(heh heh heh, no one here would copy, would they?)
Its great when you can remember a few words of a speech or even a book, but cant for the life of you remember the book title or who made the speech. Put the few words into the Google search and BAM, youve got it right there in black and white.
Put in the words spoken in a television commercial, or any show on television and Google will take you through their search and come up with the show or commercial.
Ive also n ever seen a faster search engine either. It take a split second to come back with your answer.
Whats also good about it, is that if it cant come up with an identical match, it takes you to something that is very close, and asks you, did you mean this?(In case you made a mistake)
I use Google almost exclusively now. Its much easier than going through the many search engines that hit and miss, or are just plain slow.
You can also search for images through Google as well. But to be perfectly honest, I never have.
There is also a directory of catagories to search through for information.
You also have a choice of about 30 different languages to choose from. And if what you are looking for it is not in your language, there is even a tool to translate for you!
Im sure I havent used all the great resources Google has to offer...yet.
But I am sure Ill continue using it!
So, dont forget when you need to search for something and want fast, accurate results, always choose
Oh, I almost forgot. Look up your own name on Google