Just dropped in to share with you my experience with the biggest consumer retailer in kerala, the Nandhilath Gmart . I had by reservations when I stepped in, big stores dont really dont enjoy much cumsumer confidence, at least not mine for sure!
So yes I was there searching for a cute little washing machine for ma new home, and had my shopaholic wife tagging along. The guys over there were cool and friendly, as always I just stoped after looking at two models but my wife was all over the place, asking technical details of each thing that she could lay her hands on( not that she understood a single thing, I even overheard the poor guy sayin "its not an washin machine mam")
So ultimately, I guess what am trying to say here is the customer support and the attitude of the guys was great, they had the patience and knowledge . The price of the product too was fair . discounts & free gifts? they did give me some discount and gifts yes a Football!
So yes the idea here is as person to person those guys at the lower end of the corporate chain were doin a great job( doesnt happen everywhere), so I thought that they deserved this . Thank you guys