Gotham follows the story of an upright and honest cop James Gordan(one of the very prominent characters in Dc universe) who takes it upon himself to clean his city of terror and decay.
Make the streets of Gotham safe without wearing a mask but by doing his job as a honest cop way before Batman shows up to face the psychotic, lunatic and recklessly dangerous criminals of DC universes most messed up city Gotham .
The series in its first season has a very realistic feel with the crime background as most of the Batmans worst nemesis are shown finding their footing in the world of crime, as James and his morally conflicted partner Harvey Bullock try to stop them from tearing gotham apart while facing opposition from a corrupt system . with or without batman, gotham is here to stay . its a tough choice between Netflixs daredevil and Foxs Gotham but in my personal opinion gotham slightly edges daredevil as the best tv series based on comic book character on air right now .so! catch up!