The Gourmet Traveller is a wonderful Magazine if you want to read about food from around the World. This Magazine is for People who want to make fancy food.
When I bought the Magazine it cost me $5.00 CAD.
I did subscribe to it for two years, (once Magazine per Month), and I saved $5.00 CAD.
The first thing that happened was a ton of Ads fell into my lap. If you live in the USA they might be fabulous. They are about Sweepstakes and discount Travel.
The front page, of my last Magazine, had an orange wall and yellow table. On the table there is an orange plate with a Chicken leg on it.
the only thing on the page was a tab telling you where to find the recipe to cook the Chicken.
After you go through a few pages of Ads, you will find the article and recipe list.
A few Ad later you will see the letter from the Editor and then about 4 pages of letters.
They always have articles on food, (from soup to pastries), drinks, (alcoholic and non alcoholic), and a lot of helpful hints.
Next to each recipe there is a Story about where the recipe came from. There was a half a page of History to read about that Culture.
Youll feel like you are attending an Art Show because you can see the Art and Antiques as well.
We cant use a Bar-b-cue on our Patio. The advice on the Best Indoor Grille was helpful. After reading it I bought a large George Forman Grill.
I have tried most of the Betty Crocker and James Beard recipes, (youll find them under the Parade section).
I found out that Canadian Soda Pop has less Caffeine in it than they have in the USA.
Unless you buy the Magazine you cant have the recipes because Gourmet has a copy write on them.
In the Forms section you can be part of the Great American Bake Sale, (every Month there is a Contest that People who live in the United States can participate in).
If you send them a tip and they print it on their Form you might make some money.
This Magazine will help you if you want to know about Stoves, Ventilation, Freezers and other Kitchen items.
After two Years I found that the recipes were not much different. The Sauce and Cooking Method had changed. (i.e.: Mashed Potatoes that were peeled became Garlic Mashed Potato with the Skins on).
My Children were not at home and my Friends and Family took a 6 Month Vacation, (each year to Florida, Arizona or California). I wasnt cooking gourmet Meals.
In Canada we can buy this Magazine at our Food Markets.
This Magazine is so expensive that I was happy to find a link:, />
I have saved it by adding it to my favourite list and I dont have to buy it.