Gourmet Traveller is billed as ... Australias leading magazine of food, wine and travel.. and it really lives up to that billing. It is splendidly produced publication which is illustrated beautifully and it has a stable of very accomplished writers on food and wine. The last October/November issue contained a number of most interesting features. There was a thoroughly informative and interesting story on Bistro Food. then there was a well written piece entitled .. Matching Gamay with Roast Chicken.. and another fascinating piece was on The Good Grape Guide. There is a good section entitled, Best Buys.., this is a most helpful column for readers on where to buy the best wine. The magazine has a good recipe section and also has travel stories. Its real forte though is wine-it seems to have great strength in depth as regards wine and some first rate reviews. In addition to the print publication Gourmet Traveller has an on line presence and its web site is easy to navigate, is well laid out, and very interesting as regards content. All in all this is a splendid publication from down under which will appeal to all who love gourmet food, good wines and travelling the globe. It gets high marks from me !