Hotel grand darbar is a simple low class hotel at banda. I got a chance to visit here last year. It is situated at first floor of a building which has no lift. It is not situated at main road it is about 1 km away from railway station and 2 km from bus stop of banda.
Surrounding of this hotel is very crowdy and dirty. Noise level in this area is very high and rooms are not as sound proof so it is so difficult to stay here at day time.
Hotel have very simple type of rooms and furnitures are also very old. No basic decoration is available. Rooms are justblike restrooms of railway station. Hotel also provide dinner which is of good quality but there is no more options are available in menu only some traditional and some chinies dishes like choumine are available which is really disappointing. Waiters are good but are small in number as expected.
Hotel have security cameras and guards are availablr for security requiremen. Camrra are well placed to reduce theft risk.
Overall this hotel is not as suitable for spending night here.