When a greater bombay was under british rule, mughal empire was on death bed, sir jamshedji a well know parsi of his time led himself and convinced that time vice roy mr.grant and my dear college was founded.The first one of bombay and second oldest of india in 1945!almost 157 yrs old!
Since then gmc along with j j hospital is a teaching centre for medicine aspirants and remaind as a mecca for almost fifty yrs.
As per as my college alumnis r concernd, they rang from dr.ali irani, dr.zohari{famous orthopaedician}, dr.undre{youngest surgon of his time} , dr.naik and yes, boss of bosses dr.o.p.kapoor, padamsri winner dr.alka deshpande.yes there is glaxy of stars.gmc doesnt stop here.it also a fertile land for models!yes...reita fariera{first miss world for india in 1966}then todays heartthrob Aditi govitrikar.
the most important aspect of my college is that u will find the imprints of parsis, gujratis, kokanis, and now marathis.all thay chant for their contriburtion to this grand institute.
intake speak for itself !200!three hospitals attatched!gt, cama, st.george..mri avalable.teachiong staff is full of Dronacharyas...
include Dr. Alka deshpande, Dr.rekha daver, dr.ambdekar, dr.samdini, dr.altaf patel...my college current attention personality is dr.lahane going to make a record for eye operation.
Campus is beautiful full of trees.good aerated that means cooooool.has a wonderful gymkhana!!!!!!!wowwww on marine lines..u will find gmc love birds flying there.gymkhana is renovated and that have added more feathers to it..credit goes to dr.daver.
My college hospitals a great hope for poor patients from maharashtra periferal belt to up bhaiyyas.mri is on chgeap rate.concession for ct scan...
My college is heart foe medicine aspirants and home for many huge personalities.its governmenr run so easily affordable to poor fellows.in short my grant is grand and on the top of this noble profession yes..doctors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!