Let me start by pointing out that GMC is a Medical College.....not pre school......its a place for grown ups...not for kids who need their hands held thru a professional course.......OK...with that out of the way.......it would b an understatement of extreme magnitude if I said that I disagree with desiboy......I am really sorry there was no one present to change ur diapers in medschool man.....but believe me when I say this....the education u get out of GMC has made u a better clinician than most other graduating from our univ.....sure they may have better grades...but it is clinical accumen which finally counts......no one is gonna teach u that....no one......I guess the transition from adoloscence to adulthood didnt go too smoothly for u.....but one would have hoped that you knew before getting into med school that it was based more on personal initiative than external motivation.....
The worst 5 years of your life????!!!!....wow.. I feel bad for u!!...I earnestly do.....medical college is definitely not a smooth road to trod .....but I can proudly say that I enjoyed every moment of it......of course I bitched and moaned about it every step of the way...but thats an inherent flaw of being human......but I know for sure that I have a come out if it a better person...and wouldnt change anything about my experience while there....a secret to getting thru med school relatively unscathed is having friends u can trust around u all the time.....I assume u didnt have that....again u have my condolences......but suck it up...dont blame it on the college desiboy....
Extracurricular activites??...that again is a question of initiative......we had facilities for badminton....a not so small gymkhana with an awesome cricket pitch....volleyball...we had a basketball team which went to the finals of the seth GS festival 2years in a row.......we had a Rotaract Club which was the most active one that side of the city.......my question is??.....if u were so intrested in extracurriular activities...why didnt u seek them out.....?? If what GMC had to offer n its humble way wasnt enuf for u...why not actually do something about it, instead of whining, , , , oh im sorry I forget...initiative isnt part of ur vocab......
for the funds available...and I say this with extreme caution cause the money which is allocated for JJ...doesnt always make it all the way down the political hierarchy.....again...for the funds available I think JJ is doing an awesome job....did u attend ur internship..im sure u did....then why I ask wernt u able to appreciate the conditions doctors work in......u pointed out the patient load...and I agree....anyone who has one a gynae or surg..med double emerg knows that the sheer numbers of patients is enough to overwhelm the working staff and the administration...... no one taught u?...again which units did u intern under.....interns in JJ get to do more stuff and more procedures than newhere else...if u spend the time in the hospital u will learn....we had some really good residents....some average some downight hopeless...but thats the case newhere.....u had to learn how to get the most out of ur clinical rotations.....im hoping u did.....maybe ur underestimating how much u learned..and overestimating how good it is in other institutions.....
Finally I do agree with ur comments under CONS::...bleak future...as long as students in college...and those who have graduated...sit around and complain...and bring there own institution down.....the future is indeed bleak....
No alumni.....no contacts...I tell u what...u start one....Ill b the first to join.....
Till next time...;-).....u wil notice that I have no comment on the quality of academic prog. and extracurricular activities..et al....listed below....becoz I guess that is dependant on what u make out of ur med school experience......