If engineering were a religion, it would be the 5th most popular religion in India, so much is the importance given to this stream of education. Like all ambitious students who want to make it good in job market, I graduated in B. Tech in the 2006 from Graphic Era Institute of Technology, then as the University was called. The campus was huge, situated against the backdrop of Rajaji National Park, it had a beautiful ambience. During my initial days in the College I was made to sing and dance by my seniors by way of interaction, which was rather hilarious, but it all ended well, with all of us becoming close friends
What was my experience of GEIT ( now Graphic Era Deemed to be University) ! This space will fall too small to write about the great experience I have had here. I used to do things which would often land me up at the President’s office. He would gently admonish me, I would promise to mend my ways. My parents were relieved when finally I completed my engineering in the regular four years time.
Despite having a very mischievous and prankster image I received the Best Student Award at the end of my degree program and I was crowned ‘Miss Freshers in my first year. There were many magical moments, during the annual Grafest, when the whole university pulsated with music and dance. I got platform to showcase my skills and it was during such events that I actually figured out my innate talent in fine arts. It was here that the acting bug bit me and I am an actress today.
I may sound cliché that what ever I am today a great deal of it I owe to my College