This book that was called ?THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ? is now available with the new title ?SPIRITUALITY MADE SIMPLE?.
Most of us run away from the word ?spirituality, ? thinking that its not meant for youngsters but only for sanyasis and elders. But that?s not true. Here the author Vikas Malkani brings out the significance of the spiritual foundation in our lives.
What kind of compatibility one looks in a marriage? Be it physical, emotional or intellectual, it withers away with time. Only the spiritual compatibility stands like the MIGHTY ROCK binding the spouses together.
The book begins with a conversation between an American lady Cathy and Suraj, the spiritual messenger from India.
Cathy and Nick have been married for 10 years. After a brief courtship of few months, they get married. Initially everything was very romantic, perfect couple with perfect understanding. Later on as years pass, things become hunky-dory. Arguments, fights, misunderstanding create havoc in their marriage. Both seem to have lost connection with each other. The 2 live under same roof but lead an independent lives of their own.
During one such major fight with Nick, Cathy in frustration drives down to a Bookshop to seek PEACE from the self-help inspirational section of books. That?s where she meets Suraj, a young man dressed in casual shirt and Levi?s jeans. He tells her that these self-help books are of no use as they only INSPIRE us but the actual CHANGE has to come ?WILLINGLY?. No matter how miserable we are, blaming each other but deep down the Heart we pray ?Oh God! Please help me!!!
He invites her for Coffee and requests her to have FAITH in him and give him 9 ½ weeks of her time to bring Change in her life.
Cathy is hesitant to this request made by stranger but nevertheless wants to give it a shot to make this Marriage work. Suraj tells her to go back to Nick with a Smile on her face without getting affected inside.
Next day, she meets Suraj as scheduled and its here he brings out the words of wisdom.
He tells her the various stories of Indian Kings, Sages, Spiritual Masters, quotes Buddha, Dattatreya, Chinese philosopher etc to bring that Spark in her innermost Self during several meetings with her.
All of us have different motivations in life: to climb the social ladder, plenty of material ambitions completely neglecting our INNER SELF that is Important in Spirituality.
Always seek Truth within oneself and never accept things at face-value.Universal energy envelopes everything in time & space. Universe functions on Vibrations. Since body & soul are different, the only certainty is the EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL and not the body.
Live for the MOMENT- TODAY. As we always get stuck in the Past AND draw dreams of the Future, we bungle the present and make ourselves extremely miserable.
Drop NEGATIVE feelings and generate POSITIVE outlook even in the worst of the scenario. Don?t expect others to change if u is ?not willing to Change first?.
All the problems one faces have a LIFETIME of their own. They come, stay a while and go. They teach us something & to grow internally. FACE IT & ACCEPT IT. Don?t get carried away by either the GOOD OR BAD THINGS in life. Learn and LET IT GO!!!
The condensed wisdom of all the Indian spiritual scriptures are brought out in one line: THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!! (i.e. everything in the world is transitory)
Just as a diamond is polished against rough surface to gain its luster, brilliance, sparkle; similarly we undergo upheavals in life to teach us to live in OPTIMISM. This will lead to a rapid Spiritual growth as we have Faith in Divine Being who will show us the way.
We have TEACHERS everywhere:
b) Children with their Innocence radiate the purity of the soul.
c) Glass of Water-----It?s a question of ATTITUDE if u want to perceive it as HALF FULL or HALF EMPTY????
e) Meaning of NAMASTE: Divinity in me greets Divinity in you.
f) Meaning of GURU: He brings LIGHT by dispelling Darkness of Ignorance.
- Just knowing or reading does not change a person, But his ACTIONS that make a great significance. One must simplify and flow with nature.
In a Man-Woman relationship, ?COMMUNICATION? is the key to understanding each other & growing together.
All of us undergo a troubled phase in our marriage Since we enter into a relationship with High Expectations, there is no room left for flexibility. ACCEPTING a person as he/she is ---a tremendous struggle. But once done, we will see even the Goodness of the other spouse.
To develop spiritually one need not renounce the Family, but its only in ?FAMILY? one learns ?LOVE & SACRIFICE?.
During this period of 9 ½ weeks, Suraj says how he himself underwent plenty of hardships in containing his marriage and the big Change that came saved their relationship. He also meets Nick in the process and makes the couple to do introspective analysis of their lives. He beautifully sails them towards the spiritual compatibility making them realize that THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER.
Most of us find spiritual fundas as Bouncers but this surely is an Awesome book & I bet, a priceless GEM!!!! Vikas Malkani has indeed made spirituality very simple to understand.A must-read for all those couples who think of ending their relationship at the snap of a finger.