Watch or Not? : Grand Masti is obnoxious and detestable so much so that it can pass for a mild porn film. Replete with sexual innuendos, without a hint of story, this film establishes male chauvinistic notions that men are horny beasts and women are nothing more than available creatures to provide pleasure. It’s so unbearable and disturbing to watch such films that demean women so brutally! Belonging to the genre of adult comedy, this film is a vent for the sexually frustrated. Three young men have had a ball of their life in college. Amar, Prem and Meet in their last days at college meet their new principal Robert Pereira who hangs young men to a Conjuring-like tree and strip them naked to punish them, if they are caught eyeing any woman!
Six years later, Meet is married to his boss but his sex life is dull because of work pressure. Prem’s wife is busy taking care of his family and the duo have no time to make love. And Amar and his wife have a child who keep their sex life dry.
When the three leashed men are left astray to attend their college reunion – the trio hook up with their former Principal’s daughter, wife and sister. The problem begins when Robert sniffs the wilderness and desperately try to hunt them down.
It’s expected to be a crackling feat where the three friends find themselves in a grander problem than their Masti days!
Bruna Abdalah, Riteish Deshmukh, Kainaat Arora, Vivek Oberoi, Maryam Zakaria And Aftab Shivdasani Movie Review ( Bruna Abdalah, Riteish Deshmukh, Kainaat Arora, Vivek Oberoi, Maryam Zakaria And Aftab Shivdasani Movie Stills)
Bruna Abdalah, Riteish Deshmukh, Kainaat Arora, Vivek Oberoi, Maryam Zakaria And Aftab Shivdasani Movie Stills
Grand Masti Review: Script Analysis
The film begins with newer contours of what A, B, C, D stands for, as deliciously ravishing women walked off flaunting their butts and bosoms for visual education of the audiences. I kept looking for a story but alas, there was none. The older Masti film was lame but had an inkling of fun in it. Grand Masti is plain cheap that will grotesque