Prof Arindams Chaudary latest book The great Indian dream is not the best book written ever.I would certainly rate it as a nice little book that actually is so narrative and filled with lots of data compiled that it makes one forget that he/she is reading a book.You dont have to really understand all that data to really enjoy the book.I would really think this is a coffee table book which you can instantly enjoy and stop at any page and resume later without having to bother to even keep a bookmark where you left.This book really deals at the problems facing the country from a macro economic perspective and how small things trigger bigger problems and require even bigger solutions and how smallest of decisions can make that vital difference to this great economy and nation .Some aspects where Prof Chaudary could have done better is probably not point democracy (indirectly) in India as a possible cause to our evils .This I think is a small stab in the minds of people like me who think this countrys democracy is infact a great cause to celebrate. This book somehow compares to Dominique Lapierres Freedom at Midnight in the style of writing (definitely many would disagree as they are so distinctly different content wise..My Apologies to those people)
In all I strongly recommend this book to any one and everyone who cares to even think about these issues .Happy Reading Folks and of course Keep writing...