India is a vast country, with a huge population, coupled with rich natural resources and vast talents. Rampant corruption, nepotism, favourism are running the roost.
The author, has suggested several measures in his inimitable style for bringing a glorious future within the next 25 years. His quality of writing brings burning desire atleast to me, to wake up forthwith. In fact, the narrations are very bold and deserves plaudits.
I have read many books on dreams/burning desire, but those were relevant to the individuals concerned. But the GREAT INDIAN DREAM should be read by one and all, being very SPECIAL, and for the good of the people of the nation.
In fact, the numerous suggestions made by Shri Chaudhury, are made with the intention of increasing the Purchasing Power of the people, or atleast PPP(Purchasing Power Parity) and to remove abject poverty. I have noticed some points, wherein the measures necessary to increase the revenue of the country has been highlighted. Brilliant !!!