The wife and I had gone for dinner to the restaurant. The restaurant was 80% empty and it was so surprising that it took them more than 5 minutes just to seat us and give us a menu card. Being an ex hotelier myself I am very surprised that most of the hotels service staff are not drilled on the basic etiquette like Holding out a chair for a lady or offering her the menu card or serving them first at all. And no one smiles in that hotel! ‘ Athithi devo bhava’ does not hold good for this hotel at all.
· Quality of food – Passable. (I did not die ofany food related problems the next day!)
· Taste – Pedestrian, They don’t understand a request of Less oil in food as a valid one.
· Service – Nothing worth mentioning about
· Value for money – Not applicable in this scenario!
All All in all was wondering why did we go there in the first place. My recommendation stay away!