Green tea is supposed to assist us in counteracting all the other bad things we drink or eat..............or so they advertise. I believe it cannot benefit anyone, unless they have a healthy diet in the first place. Greasy hamburgers and fries everyday for lunch can give even a 20 year old a heart attack. Drinking Green Tea when you get home is not going to counter act this kind of habit!! Green Tea should also be drank in moderation just like anything else in our diet. When people think something is good, they tend to overdo. A well balanced healthy diet, with the right amount of protein, fats, carbs, and calories as well as vegetable and fruit and meat and grain variety can enhance the use of products like Green Tea. I am not sure if Green Tea stains your teeth like other teas. If you are quick to drink water or brush your teeth after you drink, you may never have to find out!