Once you given 30% advance amount they will never call you, every time you have to call them.
I have given the vouchar of diffenent hotel and stayed in other hotel, as the vochar provided is not valid, when you reach the hotel.
In simla when I went to hotel @19.00hrs in the evening with my 1.5yrs kid, hotel person said no such booking on your name, when called to tour operator he said I will mAnasultange other hotel and hotel given is around 18km from simla city, we reach at 11pm in search of that hotel(hotel himgiri)
In every hotel you have to aishwaryasingh23 cash by your own as mr ashutosh already taken his 30% profit.
Hotel is also of worst quality, in delhi(hotel nice palace) no hot water is coming, in simla @15 degree no hot water except in morning.
delhi sight seeing skip by Ashutosh due to non availability of vehicle also money is not paid back.
At one spot vehicle driver stopped vehicle and said provide full amount or your tour will end here only. On request to vehicle owner, the driver agreed to take further.
I think total mis-mAnasultangement and loss of your valuable money.
9Dont rely on positive reviews as all of them are created by themselves or their relative
- Before booking tour to green vacation please mail me @ vikasthite1@rediffmail.com
I will tell all worst things happened with me, I also have 2~3 contacts of other customer which will tell you the mismAnasultangement of green vacation holidays.