Please avoid buying ‘factory seconds’ items from Greendust ( They only sell such kind. Recently I purchased a travel steam iron (Black & Decker make) under this category. On enquiry with their call centre it was mentioned that irons will come in damaged carton box, but product is in good condition. Inturn I received an iron box with steam function not working.
RMA was raised through their website which inturn mentioned that item will be picked up for replacement, till date no response. A call with their contact centre made me now that they don’t know what is ‘RMA’ and issued me a docket no. stating an engineer will visit to rectify the problem.
No response either. Escalated even to their Founder & Managing Director Mr. Hitendra Chaturvedi at , eventhough seems to be of no use.
Hope sharing such experience in forums will help others also to think twice before taking a step to order from this website and wasting ones hard earned money.