2007 is set to be the hottest year ever and I am not talking about Anjolina Jolie in James Bond… An article says the 2007 unified Wine and Grape Symposium to be held in California has seen very little excitement.. hic! As per Scientists the wine yards may disappear by 2050.. if the world temperatures continue to rise at their current rate – 2 degrees celcius annually.
[As I support Greenpeace, I chose this link to post this writeup...(dint want to wait for MS-MP :) the details have been resourced from various sites…Visit my blog https://sos-n-keep-it-green.blogspot.com/ for complete writeup, links and pictures…]
- Experts believe that 100sq kms of Sunderbans in Bengal will submerge by 2020 displacing around 70k of its inhabitants!!!!! - Worlds wettest point Cherrapunjee received only 2373mm of rainfall.. much much below from the average of 3500mm – and its only getting worse!- Delhi has mosquitoes even in Dec- Jan!!- Glaciers in ladakh are fast receding – Tourist spots – those who like Afghanistan may find similar spots in Ladakh soon!!- Planning a ski adventure – well, u r late – ski resorts around Europe have got very little snow this time and as per the locals – January is the new March now!! Very soon January is going to be the new June!!
Reason for the Alarm:Global warming is happening due to the rise in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere at an exceeding rate and the earth’s climate system is falling behind!
Resulting in: Heat waves and unusually warm weather, Ocean warming, sea-level rise and coastal flooding, Glaciers melting, Arctic and Antarctic warming, Spreading disease, Earlier spring arrival, Plant and animal range shifts and population changes, Coral reef bleaching, Downpours, heavy snowfalls, and flooding, Droughts and fires
What We Can DoGreenhouse gases are released as a result of using energy to drive, using electricity to light and heat our home, and activities that support our quality of life like growing food, raising livestock and throwing away garbage. Change 5 lights Change a light, and you help change the world. Switch the regular incandescent bulbs in your 5 most frequently used light fixtures with Compact Fluroscent Light (CFL) Bulbs and you will help the environment while saving money on energy bills.
Heat and cool smartlySimple steps like regular cleaning of air filters and having our heating and cooling equipment serviced (as prescribed by the vendor) by a licensed contractor can save energy while increasing comfort at home, and at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions. When its time to replace our old equipments, we should always choose a higher efficiency model, and make sure it is properly sized and installed.
Seal up your home with better insulation and duct-workBy closing any visible cracks and gaps in our house, installing adequate insulation and checking that ducts are sealed, we can keep our home more comfortable year round, save energy that would otherwise be wasted, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Use green power / resources wherever whenever possibleGreen power / resources are generated from renewable energy sources such as “wind”, the “sun” etc.. Solar heaters, Bio gas.. are examples.. There are 2 ways to use green resources: we can buy it or we can modify our house to generate our own green power. While this is certainly difficult in overcrowded cities, its definitely not impossible… besides, buying green offers a number of environmental and economic benefits over conventional electricity / cooking gas, including lower greenhouse gas emissions, and it helps increase clean energy supply.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (at home – at office)Use products in containers that can be recycled and items that can be repaired or reused. In addition, support recycling markets by buying products made from recycled materials. Reducing, reusing, and recycling in your home helps conserve energy and reduces pollution and greenhouse gases from resource extraction, manufacturing, and disposal. Recycle your newspapers, beverage containers, paper and other goods.
Use water efficientlyEveryone can save water through simple actions. Municipal water systems require a lot of energy to purify and distribute water to households, and saving water, especially hot water, can lower greenhouse gas emissions. - Simple steps like not letting the water run while shaving or brushing teeth - Not using our toilet as a waste basket for toiletry items - water is wasted with each flush (this is applicable more so when we are using a public toilet or a hotel toilet). - Repair all toilet and faucet leaks to avoid water wastage – overflowing tanks are a common sight all over Delhi :( - We should avoid using potable water for cleaning backyards etc..
Manage office equipment Those in the habit of leaving their office comp on with just their monitor switched off should avoid doing so.. and shut off the comp properly.. Consider using a power strip that can be turned off when youre done using your computers, printers, wireless routers and other electronics. Even a TV left in the standby mode consumes electricity!!!
Use less energy for your commuteWe could switch to public transportation, carpooling, biking, telecommuting and other innovative ways to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on your way to and from work. If at all you do decide to drive switching over to alternative fuels like CNG would help your wallet as well as the environment!! … The burning of gasoline and diesel fuel releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change, but these emissions can be reduced by improving your car’s fuel efficiency. There are a wide range of cleaner, more fuel-efficient vehicles available on the market today that produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Students - Get your College or University Involved School / College students can play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions at their schools, colleges or universities by working with school administrators to: increase energy efficiency on campus, use green power or develop an inventory of their schools greenhouse gas emissions etc. Having contests and rewarding those who abide by the energy saving rules could encourage children while creating awareness in the society!
ENERGY STAR labeled productsThough this concept is yet to catch up in India.... it happening now!... products are labeled according the energy that they consume.. So we should look for ENERGY STAR-qualified products in more than 40 product categories, including lighting, home electronics, heating and cooling equipment and appliances.
Spread the WordTell family and friends that energy efficiency is good for their homes and good for the environment because it lowers greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Tell 5 people and together we can help our homes help us all. As it is said – SPEAK OUT WHEN IT MATTERS – ELSE IT WOULD’NT MATTER WHEN YOU DO!