So, maybe Im a glutton for punishment. But I just had to try out the greeting card site even after ptmomsue couldnt come up with any cards!
Well, I pulled up the site, it came up quickly, the colors and layout were nice. And I was immediatly greeted with the pop up to download the web glide. Being adventurous, I clicked it on.....and waited.......and waited....and waited.
Finally it started downloading......but, .....I waited and waited some more. After 10 minutes it still hadnt downloaded the web glide more than 4%. So I clicked it off and proceeded to try to pull up some cards.
Since my sisters birthday is coming up, I decided to look for a nice card. Well, the selection isnt really too good, but I found one. There are a lot of categories, but not many cards in them. I clicked it on and got the same dang blank page ptmomsue did! So I tried another card, and another and a 4th and a 5th. No go. No cards would come up.
But that same pop up to download the web glide appeared each time I tried to see a card.
So stupidly, I tried again, it actually downloaded to 17% this time and then stopped again.
I guess Ill stick to American Greetings and Oh my Goodness and Blue Mountain for my E cards.
2 BIG thumbs down for