I was looking for a cost-effective and quick communication mode to contact my stock broking agency’s customers. Most of them were medium and low investors and needed constant contact to protect and nurture their investments. The movements in the stock markets needed fast reaction and responses so that profits could be booked or losses curtailed. I used to send e-mails but it was not accessible to all. Calling them individually was expensive and time-consuming. Telegrams were not the answer.
Looking for some inexpensive and efficient solutions on the Internet, I came across greetingbysms .com, which was offering bulk, SMS to enable sending SMS through PC to customers’ mobile phones. All I needed to do was sign up and can send sms. I decided to test the service and sent SMS to some of our inactive customers. It worked, beautifully! Testing some more, I sent SMS messages to potential customers who responded with enthusiasm. I was very happy with the results and decided to use the service extensively. That was four months ago. Today, Greetingsbysms.com is an inseparable part of our office.
We cannot imagine working without the advantages of SMS messages through greetingsbysms.com. On an average, my office sends technical & long-term call recommendations to all our clients four times in a day. The messages include IPO alerts, payment instruction alerts, delivery instruction alerts, and trading confirmations at close of trading day.. It took us some time to understand the basics, as not all of us were computer literate or Internet savvy. But the customer support people who answered all our queries patiently, guided us patiently. But we soon learnt the ropes and everyone uses the service like a professional. Besides the service is quite easy to learn and use.